Song of the Day: “Mexican Wine” by Fountains of Wayne

Who is Adam Schlesinger? Find out this week, as I explore some of my favorite tracks by the power pop savant. I became a fan of Adams Schlesinger five or six times without realizing I did. Adam is a songwriter, producer, band-leader, and performer who writes absolutely astounding pop hooks and tunes. Where other great pop…

Song of the Day: “This Time Around” by Hanson

Chances are that you remember Hanson for their smash single, “Mmmbop.” And if you hadn’t followed their career afterwards, it would be perfectly reasonable to predict that the mop-tops fizzled away. One hit wonders from a marketing machine, right? (Spotify seconds this: “Mmmbop” has more than 20x the number of plays than any of their other tracks.) Yet,…

Song of the Day: “Promised Land” by Chuck Berry

When I was in college, I read an article describing how Chuck Berry still performed regularly and with energy at Blueberry Hill in St. Louis. I promised to go and see him before he stopped. It seemed like one of the few ways I could create an authentic link between myself and the birth of rock ‘n’ roll: To witness,…

Song of the Day: “Touch Me” by The Doors

I know that The Doors are supposed to be this monumental, influential band… that their references to spirituality and drug use were groundbreaking… that there are plenty of people who adore Jim Morrison as a poet and singular voice ahead of his time… But The Doors have never really done it for me. They rock hard, and sumptuously, but…

Song of the Day: “New Slang” by The Shins

“You gotta hear this one song, it’ll change your life I swear.” There is a certain age of people, about 30-35 years old right now, for whom Garden State was one of the formative movies of their generation. I’m one of them. Andrew Largeman as played by Zach Braff, revisits his childhood home after a decade away for his…

Song of the Day: “Walkie-Talkie Man” by Steriogram

What could have been a completely average and forgettable pop punk song is instead one of the more distinct tracks I’ve heard. Instead of the normal vocal line for the verses, Steriogram’s lead singer showcases a squeaky high-pitched talk-singing at a breakneck pace. It has the aesthetic quality of someone “scatting” in jazz, or beat boxing in a cappella. It…

Song of the Day: “I Try” by Macy Gray

Is there a more distinctive singer in pop history than Macy Gray? Janis Joplin comes to mind, but even she is not quite so unique. So rather than opine on Gray’s one hit, a sentimental ballad with an earworm chorus, I’m going to try and describe Grays voice: It’s certainly quite raspy. In fact, Wikipedia…