Dan’s Top 100 Everything: #42 Freaks and Geeks

Is Freaks and Geeks the greatest high school show of all time? Okay, I haven’t seen all of The OC… or Beverly Hills 90210… or Friday Night Lights… or all of Dawson’s Creek… or… etc. But, yes, as far as I’m personally concerned, Freaks and Geeks is the quintessential show focused on high school life. It’s…

Dan’s Top 100 Everything: #55 Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a very funny movie. I don’t think that is heavily disputed by too many people. Humor is also very, very subjective. I personally think Forgetting Sarah Marshall is an absolutely HILARIOUS movie. I love how quotable it is. Some hilarious movies (I’m thinking of Superbad right now) have great joke-packed scripts,…

Dan’s Top 100 Everything: #77 Judd Apatow

Judd Apatow is a comedy writer-director-producer who has directed or produced some of my favorite comedies of the past decade. Apatow first worked in television, with an eye on producing even early in his career. He co-created The Ben Stiller Show just two years out of college and won an Emmy award. After that was…