10 Things Brian Likes – #10: Moving Muppet Moments

Whoo! After more than six months, we’ve finally made it to the tenth and final entry in the “10 Things Brian Likes” series. On that sentimental note, I thought I’d end with a tearjerker. Provided I ever actually finish my “Small-Screen 66 Countdown” over at Brian Terrill Movie Night, The Muppet Show is set to rank…

Dan’s Top 100 Everything: #53 Jim Croce

Jim Croce is one of my all-time sentimental favorites, the first of several artists I fell in love with by picking up a CD I found on my dad’s bookshelf, putting it into my boombox, and pressing play. Croce released five albums in the 1960s and early 1970s, and almost all of his songs of…