ETCast, Episode 004 – Community, TV theme songs

Brian and I recently sat down to record the fourth episode of the Earn This Podcast. Our two main points of discussion: TV theme songs — what are our favorites, what are the different types, what separates good ones from bad ones. Also hear Brian and Dan sing a couple of their favorites. The show…

The Earn This Podcast

Latest Episode: 029 – From the Vaults – LoCo Brewfest 2015 The Earn This Podcast (aka the ETCast) is EarnThis.Net in podcast form: Discussions about art, entertainment, and whatever else is on our mind. Sometimes thoughtful, sometimes silly. We’re all friends who talk about these things even when the mic is off, so the result is…

ETCast, Episode 001 – Should Reviews Use Numeric Ratings?

Hello all – Colton and I recently sat down to record Earn This’s first ever podcast (Earn This PodCast = ETCast). We’re still working out the kinks of the format, but we’re excited to brave this new frontier. We make no guarantees about how frequently we post new episodes, but we’re going to give this a try…