U2 – War (1983): Welcome to the big leagues

Rating: 5 stars (out of 5) With War, U2 build skyscrapers upon the foundation of their debut album Boy.  If the startling cover art—the same young boy staring at the viewer, only with a face of righteous anger replacing innocence—wasn’t enough of an indication, these men, just 23 at the time of release, expand upon…

The Enduring Greatness of Bull Durham

Rating: 4 stars (out of 4) Bull Durham is far and away the best sports movie of all-time, but I hate to classify it as much because it’s also so much more.  It’s a great romantic comedy, a very funny movie, a very poignant movie, and when all put together, an exceptional piece of art. …

Shutter Island: Live as a monster or die as a good man?

Rating: 4 stars (out of 4) In a revealing late chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry asks Professor Dumbledore whether their poignant interaction has been taking place for real or merely in his head.  “Of course it is happening inside your head,” Dumbledore responds, “but why on Earth should that mean that…

Dan’s Top 10 Movies

As an introduction to the site and our tastes in movies, we decided we would each share our current top ten favorite movies along with brief explanations about why we love them. This list is subject to change, of course, but here’s how my top ten currently stands. 1. Rudy People scoff when I say…