The Goods: 12 Monkeys (1995) – Predestination time travel

Dan and Brian take a deep dive into the sci fi film 12 Monkeys and the pros/cons/paradoxes of various types of time travel. Join as they celebrate the film’s dedication to interlocking timelines, its striking post-apocalyptic visuals, and Brad Pitt’s bug-eyed insanity. Meanwhile, Dan makes the case for 12 Monkeys as the ultimate movie about…

Dark City (1998): The thinking man’s Matrix

Rating: 3.5 stars (out of 4) I’ll assume whoever reads this has seen The Matrix. According to IMDb, it’s not only one of the most beloved movies of this generation, but one of the most widely seen. If you haven’t seen it, you’re in for a treat; though Keanu Reeves’ acting is a bit stiff,…