How I Met Your Mother, Season 8 Review

Oof. That was a slog. HIMYM Season 8 commits many cardinal sins for a sitcom, from forcing a relationship (Robin and Barney), to selling out its characters for cheap jokes (many times; but esp. Barney as a womanizing d-bag), to ridiculous, unbelievable twists (Barney pulling a several month ruse on Robin, then getting engaged to…

How I Met Your Mother, Season 7 Review

Well that was a step down from Season 6. Not an outright disaster… just a bastion of mediocrity. Definitely a step down. First, the good: As expected, giving Neil Patrick Harris some dramatic material to work with gives the show great moments. Both his relationships — with soft-hearted Nora or, more effectively, with silver-tongued stripper…

How I Met Your Mother, Season 6 Review

In my Top 100 Everything entry about How I Met Your Mother, I admitted that I gave up on the show during its sixth season. The show just became too miserable, too disappointing, too unsatisfying for me to tune in every week. Well, my wife and I have slowly been working through the series, and…

Dan’s Top 100 Everything: #30 How I Met Your Mother

Kids, I’ve long wanted to write a retrospective of How I Met Your Mother for this site. Then Grant wrote one and, of course, it’s fantastic and way better than what I would have written. But I’ll take a crack at it, even though I no longer feel pressure to hit all the major points:…